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Determine Deposited Status of CustomerRefunds in NetSuite

Most payment and refund records in NetSuite have a straightforward way to determine if they’ve been deposited or not. The CustomerRefund is one exception: there is no way to determine from the GUI, or from the SuiteTalk API response for a CustomerRefund, if a given CustomRefund has been linked to a deposit record. However, you can search for CustomerRefunds which are deposited or undeposited using a couple poorly documented search filters:

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How to Find the NetSuite Web Services Account Number

Finding the account number for NetSuite’s SuiteTalk WebService API isn’t very straightforward. This number is required for any applications with connect to NetSuite via their SuiteTalk API. Navigate to the SuiteTalk preferences via "Setup > Integration > Web Services Preferences", by searching for "page: Web Services Preferences" in the global search bar, or by visiting this URL (may not work depending on your NetSuite data center). You’ll see the following screen containing the Account Number (also called the Account ID): Some things to keep in mind: The account number is not always a number. It can be a string of letters…

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Resolving the NetSuite LIST_ID_REQD Deposit Record Error

Creating deposit records in NetSuite using the SuiteTalk API can sometimes result in the following error: This error is not well documented at all and does not point to a single issue. In order to properly handle and prevent this error from occurring you need to implementation validation before upserting (or adding, updating, etc) the record. Here are the various causes of the error: The included refund’s (CashRefund, CustomerRefund) account field is not set to the NetSuite instance’s “Undeposited Funds” account. The easiest way to determine what the “Undeposited Funds” account internalId is to search for the account by name and grab the first search result. The name of the “Undeposited funds account can be customized…

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How to Close a NetSuite SalesOrder Using SuiteTalk

Many things in NetSuite’s SuiteTalk XML API are not intuitive or obvious: closing a SalesOrder is one of them. When you create a SalesOrder using upsert or add you can set the order_status to _pendingFulfillment or _pendingApproval directly through the order_status field. However, you can’t simply update the order_status field on a SalesOrder to close the record, you need to set is_closed field on each line item in the SalesOrder. Other SalesOrder states work in a similar way: _partiallyFulfilled, _fulfilled, etc are only achieved by modified the item_list sublist or by creating a separate record (ItemFulfillment, Invoice, etc).

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NetSuite SuiteTalk User & Role Edits Are Delayed

If you work with NetSuite’s SuiteTalk API, you know that: You must access the API via employee/user record in NetSuite API calls specify the user role to use You will get different results based on which user and which user role you are accessing the API with. For instance, if the employee record has the “Sales Rep” option checked, all Sales Orders created using that employee/user credentials will have the “Sales Rep” field assigned to the user’s record. Each role has a different set of permissions. You will get different fatal error messages depending on which user role you are operating under. Often, when developing a NetSuite integration, you’ll need to make edits to the SuiteTalk user/employee record or the role…

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Install PHP with PNG Support on Apache in Yosemite

Yosemite comes with Apache + PHP out of the box, but its PHP binary is a bit handicapped. It doesn’t come with built in PNG support. This causes issues if you are developing WordPress sites: resizing PNG images will silently fail. If you have custom image sizes set in your WordPress theme, they will not be created at all if PHP is not compiled with PNG support. Here’s how to recompile PHP on Yosemite via Brew: You’ll have to edit your Apache configuration to use the new PHP installation: There are also some additional WordPress & PHP tools you can install via brew.

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Multi-Engine Rails 3.2 Testing Tips & Tricks, Part 3

This is a continuation of my second post on setting up a CI server for a multi-engine rails 3.2 application. Use `Pry.rescue {}` For Dynamic `binding.pry` Getting access to an interactive REPL is essential when debugging a web application. Better Errors does a great job when when interacting with the app directly (in rails4 this functionality comes built in). binding.pry is a great tool when interacting with your code directly in your development or testing environment. However, there are some cases where adding binding pry to just the right place is either painful or would require you to modify a external gem. An easy way to get around this is to use pry-rescue which will open a pry REPL wherever an exception occurs…

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Setting up CI for a Multi-Engine Rails 3.2 Application

I recently setup continuous integration (via CircleCI, which I’m really impressed with). It ended up being a bit more tricky for a couple of reasons: I needed to pull semi-static seed data into the application. For this app, this was product data that isn’t changed often and is pulled from an external system. I wanted to use seed data from the production database because the integrity of the data in the external DB couldn’t be trusted and I wanted to ensure that if the tests passed it was a real representation of if the app would function in the live environment. There were a number of custom rails engines that app was compromised of. Each of these engines had separate unit tests, but not separate integration (feature) tests…

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