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Lessons learned building with Django, Celery, and Pytest

As someone who writes ruby professionally, I recently learned python to build a bot which buys an index of crypto using binance. The best thing about ruby is Rails, so I wanted an excuse to try out Django and see how it compared. Adding multi-user mode to the crypto bot felt like a good enough excuse. My goal was to: Add a model for the user that persisted to a database Cron job to kick off a job for each user, preferably using a job management library Add some tests for primary application flows Docker-compose for the DB and app admin I’ll detail learnings around Docker in a separate post. In this post, I walk through my raw notes as I dug into the django + python ecosystem further…

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Building a Crypto Index Bot and Learning Python

A long time ago, I was contracted to build a MacOS application using PyObjc. It was a neat little app that controlled the background music at high-end bars around London. That was the last time I used python (early 2.0 days if I remember properly). Since then, python has become the language of choice for ML/AI/data science and has grown to be the 2nd most popular language. I’ve been wanting to brush up on my python knowledge and explore the language and community. Building a bot to buy a cryptocurrency index was the perfect learning project, especially since there was a bunch of existing code on GitHub doing similar things. You can view the final crypto index bot project here. The notes from this learning project are below…

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How to install an old HomeBrew package

I accidentally ran brew upgrade on a set of packages which caused brew to bump most library packages that were installed on my computer. This caused issues compiling PHP via asdf. I thought it would be easy to install an older version of the offending package, icu4c, but I was very wrong. In recent (2021?) versions of brew. I ended up learning a bit about the homebrew internals and solving Installing an old version of icu4c to fix PHP compilation on macOS I discovered the offending package was icu4c, but the PHP compile script did not indicate that I was using an unsupported package version…

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Scripting macOS with Javascript Automation

I’ve been playing with ActivityWatch, a really neat open-source application to track what you are doing when you are on your computer. Similar to rescue time RescueTime, but open source, with some more advanced features. I’ve been using it for a couple of months as part of my digital minimalism toolkit and it’s worked great to give me an idea of what’s taking up my time. There’s been a couple of things that have bugged me about the application, and it’s written in a couple of languages I’ve wanted to learn (Rust, Vue), so I decided to make a couple of changes as part of a learning project. I ended up needing to modify an AppleScript and ran into macOS’s Javascript Automation for the first time…

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Migrating from bash to zsh

I love productivity tools. Anyone who works with me knows I love my keyboard shortcuts and tiny productivity hacks. Small, incremental productivity improvements add up over time: feeling fast makes you fast. Plus, I just enjoy tinkering and making things more productive. One of the rabbit holes I love to go down is optimizing my development environment. I spend a lot of time in a terminal, so it’s a fun place to optimize my setup. Ever since hearing of Oh My ZSH I wanted to try out zsh, so I set aside some time to update my dotfiles to use zsh as the default shell. Below are some notes & learnings from the transition. What’s new in zsh? There are lots of small packages out there for neat things like autocomplete, async prompts, etc…

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2020 Goal Retrospective

Another year, another yearly goal retrospective. This year included a grab bag of curveballs, most notably COVID. Although there was a lot of loss this year, I’m blessed to be able to say this year was really good for me and my family. Without further ado, here’s the retro! What Worked Not doing the quarterly reviews and focusing on the monthly reviews. In this season of life (young kids) quiet/focused time is precious and it’s not possible to spend too much time planning together (or individually) for that matter. Small, specific goals that created a habit or helped figure out a workflow worked well. We should continue to pick key habits and work on them through a focused goal…

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Blocking Ads & Monitoring External Drives with Raspberry Pi

I’ve written about how I setup my raspberry pi to host time machine backups. I took my pi a bit further and set it up as a local DNS server to block ad tracking systems and, as part of my digital minimalism kick/obsession, to block distracting websites network-wide on a schedule. Pi-hole: block ads and trackers on your network Pi-hole is a neat project: it hosts a local DNS server on your Pi which automatically pulls in a blacklist of domains used by advertisers. The interesting side effect is you can control the blacklist programmatically, enabling you to block distracting websites on a schedule. This is perfect for my digital minimalism toolkit. Pi-hole has an active Discourse forum…

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Dumping a AWS RDS Database to Your Local Machine

I’m a big Heroku fan. I used it’s hosted Redis and Postgres services for my startup and it scaled incredibly well and saved me a ton of time not having to ever worry about devops. One of things I loved about Heroku was it’s CLI API. You could very easily manage infrastructure through a very thoughtful CLI. For instance, a common process I would run was: Dump production database to my local Import the dump into my local Postgres Clean & sanitize the data This process looked something like: That first line was all you needed to download a production copy of your DB. I’ve been playing around with AWS for a side project and replicating a similar process was surprisingly challenging…

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Building a Elixir & Phoenix Application

Learning Elixir Ever since I ran into Elixir/Phoenix through a couple of popular Hacker News posts I’ve been interested in tinkering with the language. I have a little idea for an app that I’m just motivated enough to build that Elixir would work for. I’ve document my learning process below by logging my thoughts as I learned Elixir via a ‘learning project’. What I’m building Here’s what I’d like to build: Web app which detects the user’s location using the built-in location service in the browser The zip code of that location is determined (server or client-side) The zip code is handed off to a server-side process which renders a page with the zip code…

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Using Ansible to Deploy Elixir Applications on Dokku

For me, the best (and most fun!) way to learn is to find a problem with a new set of tools you want to learn. I’ve documented my process of learning Ansible below, I hope it’s interesting to others! Motivation I built an application with Elixir and Phoenix and deployed it using Gigalixir. Gigalixir worked well, but after a couple of weeks the site shut down due to a lack of updates (I was on the free tier). Since this project is strictly for learning, I figured it would be fun to learn Ansible and save a couple bucks by signing up for a free VPS service. I initially chose Vultr because they offered $50 of free credit towards a $3.50/month VPS, which should be more than enough for a year…

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