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Wow, those engineers at Macromedia must really be coding hard. Less than 2 months after Flash 8 was released we now have Flash Player 8.5 and AS3. I cant keep up with all these new technologies. 😛 I looked through the AS3 FAQ and all the new features are very exciting. AS is really moving towards being a full featured language like Java or C. We now have types such as int, uint and variable identifiers such as const- sweet. Flash 8.5 (finally!) has a regular expression class, why did it take them so long to add this? Lots of additional classes have been added, AS3 is looking more like a framework like Cocoa; very cool…

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Sed Messed Up on OS X?

While trying to further my knowledge in unix/shell programming I’ve found that the unix command sed is messed up in os x. I think the problem is that the GNU/linux versions of some commands are different that the Darwin/BSD versions, this might be obvious to you linux/unix gurus out there but to me this is new news. I always assumed that the functionality in the commands on os x and most linux variants were the same.In any case, I downloaded the GNU sed source code and compiled a nice fixed sed command for myself (After I compiled it I found out you could of just easily gotten GNU sed through fink-commander. :P). Walla, the newline problem I was having with the mac os x version of sed was fixed.

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Remove All Files Without Certain Extensions

I needed to remove all files in a hierarchy of folders that didn’t have certain extensions. I searched the net for a quick & dirty bash script to do this, but all the scripts I found only removed files in the current directory, I needed to remove files in the current directory and child directories. Heres the bash script I came up with. Assuming ~/Desktop/targetDir is the root directory you want to remove files from, and you don’t want files ending in .css, .html, or .htm. NOTE: if your file paths contain spaces this command will probably fail/mess something up. I take no responsibility for anything that happens to your computer because of this script. Hopefully somebody might find this useful.

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Switching To Dreamhost

Well, I think I finally have given in. Over the next 2 months I will be transferring all my sites over to Dreamhost from Hostm which have been an ‘ok’ host. Dreamhost however currently is having an amazing deal- 80% off of their hosting. Thats just incredible, considering their price is already low at $10/month. A few other things that I like about Dreamhost: SSH access, I used this on a clients Dreamhost account and its pretty sweet. Always improving their services, every few months they add or enhance their service. I like their Kbase, its very nicely set up with ability to post/read comments to articles Their referral program is awesome I have 97 days to test it out to see if I like it or not…

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Of Flash & ID3 Tags

Flash says it supports ID3 1.0 & 2.0 tags, but from my experience MM implementation of ID3 tags in Flash is very poor and half the time I cant get any ID3 information. Has anybody had any luck with ID3 information in Flash? Most Flash-based MP3 players out there don’t use ID3 information for song titles and such but load the information from an XML file, so I assume this is a commonly known bug although I haven’t seen any information about this anywhere on the net…

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66 Miles

Not related to programming or web-design in any way but… Over the weekend my friend and I biked 66 miles across New Jersey, it was a blast. There was miles and miles of flat farmland, a car maybe came by once every 10 or so minutes. I’ve been in what some people would call ‘the middle of nowhere’ (upper NH), but this was seriously in the middle of nowhere, houses were spaced out a minimum of two miles away from each other. Anyway, it was a great experience and I would highly recommend doing it sometime!

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I’ve successfully finished my site for the May 1st Re-boot- almost. There are still a few loose ends I have to tie up with the site, including finishing the portfolio section & making my HTML site valitate correctly; but for the most part its done. Hopefully i’ll have more time to work on this site now, I have a bunch of stuff I have to share. On a side note, I’ve received Apples new OS- 10.4 Tiger. Quite simply, its incredible. The best feature that I’ve found so far is the speed, my mac feels like it just gained 200+Mhz, the UI and the file system are incredibly faster.

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