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Download Internet Audio Streams

Streaming Windows Media Player support on the Mac is really bad. Its slow, buggy; simply horrible. However, I really wanted to listen to a show which I could only listen to via streaming WMA format. I started searching the net for a solution and found Mplayer. It worked fairly well, but I really like the ability to skip parts of the show which isn’t possible with a streaming WMA. I kept searching for a way to download the streaming WMA and put it into a WMA file on my hard drive. Mplayer came though again, using the Mplayer command line utility you can easily download the streaming audio to your hard-drive…

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Microsoft Ergnomic Keyboard

This year for Christmas I bought myself the Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000, and I have to say after about a month of use, this is one very nice keyboard. Before I got this keyboard I was using the standard Apple keyboard which caused my wrists to hurt after about 30min of typing. This keyboard doesn’t bother my wrists at all, the split design along with the elevated center really does relieve stress on my wrists. The programmable keys at the top are also very nice- and they are fully functional on OS X!..

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Merry Christmas

Yes! Its that time of year again, Christmas time! I love Christmas, its got to be my favorite time of year. Lots of family, food, presents, fun and celebration of the birth of our Lord! What could be better? Our family has a tradition of getting together on Christmas eve and eating 7 types of different fish dishes. Its lot of fun, this year their will be about 27 people total at our family gathering. In any case, I wish you a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year!

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New Xcode Actionscript Language Definition File

The new actionscript language definition files that I posted about earlier are available. You can get the Flash 7 or the Flash 8 version of the definition files. You can download the BASH script I wrote which generates the files here. To install simply drop the two files included in the download into /Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/Specifications. Kudos to Sam Robbins for creating the original actionscript language definition file. The best thing about the new language definition files is placeholders for actionscript functions & methods like in Objective-C. Here’s a screenshot of the code-sense with placeholders in action: Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements! Enjoy!

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Free iPod

I finally gave in and decided to try one of the those ‘Get a free iPod’ offers. I did some research before signing up, and it seems as though this offer is totally legit. To get the free iPod you have to complete 1 offer (some offers are free, some cost less than $5), and get five people to do the same using your referral link. From what I’ve read gratis (the free ipod company) gets ~$100 for each person who signs up for an offer. That means that when you complete the requirements for a free ipod they already have $600 in their pocket and an ipod costs ~$300. So, if your interested in getting a free ipod, and are feeling really kind, please sign up with my refferal link.

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Dreamhost Review

Ok, so heres my mini review of Dreamhost. Dreamhost is definitely not as easy to use as my previous host, alot of features that were provided automatically with have to ‘manually’ configured. For instance, had a 1-click install feature for blogs and forums. Now dreamhost claims to have a one click install, but it really isn’t one click, dreamhost simply sets up the mySQL database and automatically fills out the database config file, Hostm did everything for you. However, dreamhost provides alot of power with their hosting. Since you have SSH access to the server you can compile custom versions of PHP, or any other command line application you need. I compiled CSS Optimizer on dreamhost without any problems…

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Everything has been successfully switched over to the new Dreamhost server! So far so good, the only gotcha I came across was that Dreamhost has disabled allow_url_fopen for security reasons, so including files in this fashion would not work, all paths had to be relative: [code lang=”php”][/code] I ended up adding the root server directory to include_path to allow me to reffer to files with an absolute filepath without using the Other than that everything went pretty well, Dreamhost has a very extensive k-base and wiki which helped me very quikly resolve other small issues that I came across…

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