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TextMate: W3C HTML Validation For Local PHP Files

It is impossible to validate local PHP files via the built in W3C validation that the TextMate HTML bundle provides because it does not parse the PHP code in the PHP document. I’ve modified the default validation script to retrieve the file using OS X’s built in apache server (the script assumes you have your files in the ~/Sites directory) so it will work for not only PHP, but any apache-interpreted language. I’ve added the ss option to the W3C validator, you can add/remove any validation options to the curl command as you see fit…

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Flash: Create MovieClip With Custom Class

I’ve always wanted to attach a movieclip to the stage with a class other than MovieClip without having to use swfmill or the ide to create a movieclip with linkageID + custom class. Well that day is finally here! I found a nice snippet of code on the net and modified it a bit to act more like attachMovie (ability to specify an initOb). The result? createClassMovieClip:s [code lang=”actionscript”] /* Description: A function used for creating empty movie clips with subclass association. Parameters: c:Function – The class to associate with the the empty movie clip. name:String – The instance name for the empty movie clip. depth:Number – The depth for the empty movie clip…

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ManOpen Universal Binary

ManOpen is an awesome man page viewer that i use quite alot. Unfortunatly the author didn’t have a UB version of it availible. Since I have a MacBook Pro with a little bit of work I was able to convert the project over to using native XCode targets and compile a UB of ManOpen. I emailed the author about it a couple weeks ago and he hasn’t posted anything on the products site so I figured I’d throw the UB application & source code on my site for other people to download until he gets a chance to update his site. Note: I didn’t change any of the source code, just the project structure. ManOpen UB Application ManOpen UB Source

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Green Check & Red Cross Circular Icons

One of the most annoying things about software development on os x is duplicating the look and feel of those cool ui widgets that Apple wont let us use. You know, those icons and widgets you spend hours on trying to get them to work like the “real thing”. For an application I’ve been working on I wanted a little green check icon (ala software update) and a red cross icon. Took me a little photoshopping but I think I got two small icons that look pretty good. You can download a zip with the tif & psd images here. Feel free to use the icons in any of your projects.

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Task Manager

Today I departed on a search for a task manager (AKA To-Do list) for os x that would suite my fancy. I guess I’m pretty picky because I didn’t really find anything computer application I really liked. Most of the applications I found were either too tied to iCal (which I don’t use at all), made 2+ years ago and haven’t been updated since, just to complicated to be simply a glorified to-do list, or just plain ugly to look at. I guess I’m more picky than most when it comes to Mac applications: I want a great looking fully functional Cocoa based mac application. My search finally ended, but instead of finding a mac application to suite my needs, I found a nifty little web-application; GTDTiddlyWiki…

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Two Web-Dev Tips

Applying Filters To a Loaded Image I haven’t done any Flash work in awhile, and I guess I forgot the amount of quirks it has (although its getting much better). Applying filters to a loaded image doesn’t work. I loaded a MC using this code: [code] var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); var listener = {onLoadInit:Delegate.create(this, imageLoaded)}; loader.addListener(listener); loader.loadClip(“pic.png”, holder); [/code] Then tried to apply a filter like so: [code] var blur = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(30, 0, 3); holder.filters = [blur]; [/code] But nothing happened. The filter works fine on a MC containing a image from the library. The solution?..

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