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Microsoft Ergnomic Keyboard

This year for Christmas I bought myself the Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000, and I have to say after about a month of use, this is one very nice keyboard. Before I got this keyboard I was using the standard Apple keyboard which caused my wrists to hurt after about 30min of typing. This keyboard doesn’t bother my wrists at all, the split design along with the elevated center really does relieve stress on my wrists. The programmable keys at the top are also very nice- and they are fully functional on OS X!..

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Windows On The Intel Mac

Will Shipley has posted about a bounty for the first person to get Windows to successfully boot on an Intel Mac. When I first heard about Apple switching to Intel chips I immediately thought: “Wow! Linux, Windows, and OS X on one machine! That would be computer utopia!”. Unfortunately Apple decided to use the EFI instead of BIOS, so Windows XP wont boot on the current Intel Macs (Windows Vista might boot though…). It’ll be interesting to see if this is possible and if it ends up being accomplished.

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