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Xash 1.1

Categories: Flash, Software

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I’ve had this hanging around for awhile now, I just haven’t had a chance to package it up and put it out there: XASH 1.1.

Alot of changes have been made in this release:

  • Book filtering
  • Window position & size are saved
  • Constraint on min left splitview width added
  • The help window will appear automatically when XASH is ‘clicked on’ (activated)
  • Groundwork is laid for live searching
  • Fixed bug where nothing would appear in the left document outline
  • Window title now represents what page you are currently viewing
  • flash 7/flash 8 root help directory paths can now be specified by the preferences keys f7Path and f8Path
  • You can specify additionally directorys to be searched for help files through the preference key additionalSearchPaths
  • Redid the program structure (now their is only one .nib file containing all the objects)
  • Added an application icon
  • XASH is now a universal binary

I added the ability to specify the paths to your flash 7 and flash 8 help file directories along with the ability to specify additional paths to search for help files at. I was too lazy to write a GUI allowing you edit this, so if you want to change the default values your going to either have to use the defaults command line application, or Apple’s Property List Editor (included with the dev tools). Here a list of the keys that would want to edit in the com.mabwebdesign.xash.plist files located in ~/Library:

  • f7Path– string, path to the Flash 7’s help files directory. The default value for this is: /Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Macromedia/Flash MX 2004/en/Configuration/HelpPanel/Help/
  • f8Path– string, path to the Flash 8’s help files directory. The default value for this is: /Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Macromedia/Flash 8/en/Configuration/HelpPanel/Help/
  • f7Index– string, URL file path referencing the main index file Flash 7’s help files. The default value is: [code]file:///Users/Shared/Library/Application%20Support/Macromedia/Flash%208/en/Configuration/HelpPanel/Help/Welcome/Welcome_help.html[/code]
  • f8Index– string, URL file path referencing the main index file Flash 8’s help files. The default value is: [code]file:///Users/Shared/Library/Application%20Support/Macromedia/Flash%20MX2004 /en/Configuration/HelpPanel/Help/Welcome/Welcome_help.html[/code]
  • additionalSearchPaths– array of directory paths representing other directories to search for Flash help files at. The default value is an array with a single element whose value is: [code]~/Library/Application Support/Macromedia/Flash MX 2004/en/Configuration/HelpPanel/Help/[/code]

Please send me any feedback you may have.

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