Cocoa Text System
I came across an awesome article on the Cocoa Text System. If you do alot of text editing I recommend you check it out, along with the default key bindings.
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I came across an awesome article on the Cocoa Text System. If you do alot of text editing I recommend you check it out, along with the default key bindings.
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Heres some programming tid bits that really didn’t deserve their own post, so I grouped them all together into one post! 😛 else-switch We all know about the common else-if language construct that is available in almost all programming languages, but here one you might of not been aware of: the else-switch statement. [code lang=”javascript”] if(false) { } else switch(number) { case 0: //do something break; case 1: //do something else break; default: //do default action } [/code] Actually, you can follow if with any control statement. For instance, you can have an else-return or an else-break statement. This might be old news to some programmers, but I never knew you could do that!..
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For awhile now I’ve been meaning to learn how source code management works (specifically, how Subversion works), but I never got the chance to do it. Finally the other day I set out to buy a book on SCM, luckily I was able to find a good free book on the subject. If you are interested in wrapping your mind around source code management I recommend you check out Version Control with Subversion.
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Streaming Windows Media Player support on the Mac is really bad. Its slow, buggy; simply horrible. However, I really wanted to listen to a show which I could only listen to via streaming WMA format. I started searching the net for a solution and found Mplayer. It worked fairly well, but I really like the ability to skip parts of the show which isn’t possible with a streaming WMA. I kept searching for a way to download the streaming WMA and put it into a WMA file on my hard drive. Mplayer came though again, using the Mplayer command line utility you can easily download the streaming audio to your hard-drive…
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App Stop 1.1 has just been released. This release includes the following enhancements: Rewrote the cpu usage code, its now much cleaner Force quitting background applications will remove them from the list immediatly iTunes-like live searching ability added App Stop is now a universal binary Updated to Xcode 2.2, compiling with the latest GCC release This will most likely be the last release of App Stop unless some bugs crop up that I didn’t catch.Enjoy!
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This is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. MacDevCentral is running a story about Tunaric a music analyzer that will, after a few seconds of listening to a song through your computers microphone, tell you what the song name is. I tried it out on a few popular songs, and it actually worked! I was really surprised, I really didn’t expect it to work that well.
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The Webdings font has alot of common symbols that can be used in web-sites. For instance, the pause, fast-foward, play, etc symbols are all in the Webdings font. This might seem really obvious to seasoned designers, but I never knew this. You can find a listing of what symbols equal what keys on your keyboards here.
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This year for Christmas I bought myself the Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000, and I have to say after about a month of use, this is one very nice keyboard. Before I got this keyboard I was using the standard Apple keyboard which caused my wrists to hurt after about 30min of typing. This keyboard doesn’t bother my wrists at all, the split design along with the elevated center really does relieve stress on my wrists. The programmable keys at the top are also very nice- and they are fully functional on OS X!..
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Will Shipley has posted about a bounty for the first person to get Windows to successfully boot on an Intel Mac. When I first heard about Apple switching to Intel chips I immediately thought: “Wow! Linux, Windows, and OS X on one machine! That would be computer utopia!”. Unfortunately Apple decided to use the EFI instead of BIOS, so Windows XP wont boot on the current Intel Macs (Windows Vista might boot though…). It’ll be interesting to see if this is possible and if it ends up being accomplished.
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I’ve had this hanging around for awhile now, I just haven’t had a chance to package it up and put it out there: XASH 1.1…
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