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Using Browser Sync with Rails and Local SSL

I’ve always been a fan of LiveReload since I first saw it years ago. However, the rack-livereload gem hasn’t been updated in a long while, and the livereload parent project seems to have died out too. rack-liveload doesn’t support reloading on local HTTPS connections, which was a requirement on a recent project—I needed a new tool. BrowserSync came to the rescue. In most cases, using BrowserSync’s proxy mode to reverse proxy a rails app running via a *.dev pow domain works well. For this particular project, there were a couple of specific issues: Many pages on the project force HTTPS…

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Using HTTPS Locally: Pow, SSL, Rails, and Apache

Using HTTPS local development or testing environments is a hassle. A common practice is to disable SSL in development, but I’ve had too many cases of minor bugs creeping in when routing works differently between environments. I also don’t like manually having to let my browsers know that a self-signed certificate is valid. Here’s the configuration that I use to easily add https support on my development machine to any application served—or proxied—through port 80. Pow I use Pow as my development rails server. However, because I often work with other languages as well, I run Apache (you could just as easily use nginx) and reverse proxy Rails application requests to Pow. To do this, you’ll need Pow to bind to a port that is not port 80…

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7 Categories to Help Guide Your 2016 Goals

Results follow clarity, and clarity comes from clear definition. Writing is the best way to clearly define your thoughts (one of the reasons you should start a blog!). Here are my goal categories, in order of long-term priority. Explicitly defining these categories has helped me during my goal planning process to identify which categories needs the most attention this upcoming year, and ensure that my goals align against these categories: Spiritual Marriage Health Intellectual Financial Work Relationships This ordering doesn’t mean that work won’t come before my intellectual life (i.e. reading, conferences, learning, etc)…

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