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Life Categories for Your 2020 Goals

Tags: goals • Categories: Leadership

Table of Contents

Each year my wife and I go through a review process where we set goals and habit targets. We’ve been doing it for five years and it’s amazing to see the progress we’ve both made. It’s also been powerful to set joint goals that we can work on together.

I’ve found it helpful to think over the "categories" of your life. A couple of years ago I wrote out my main life categories and it’s time to update that list:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Marriage
  3. Kids
  4. Health
  5. Intellectual
  6. Work
  7. Adventure, beauty, and fun. Intentionally pursuing outdoor adventure and just-for-fun activities with friends is a new thing for me. In the past the first thing to go with this sort of self-care, but I’ve found this to be more and more critical to achieving the life I want to have over the long-term.
  8. Financial
  9. Relationships

This list is stack ranked against what my long-term priorities are. For a season, one category will be more important than other aspects of my life but over the long term, I want to ensure I prioritize my life against this stack-ranked list.

It has served as a good gut check for me at the end of each year: is my time aligned against how I want my life to look?


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