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XTrace 1.1

Categories: Cocoa, Web Development

Table of Contents

At last XTrace 1.1 is out the door! This has been a long time coming, and has alot of changes & new features:

  • CMD+Shift+C now clears the log window
  • XTrace now automatically starts the trace server
  • Added the Sparkle (auto updating) framework
  • Added the ability to disable wrapping in the log window
  • Added the option for window auto-close (log window will close when the SWF it is connected to closes)
  • New icon thanks to Ale!
  • Log message coloring/formatting thanks to Daniel Giribet
  • Compiled & tested as a universal binary

I’ve recorded a quick tutorial on how XTrace works. If you’re new to XTrace, or just want a quick refresher I encourage you to take a look.

If you would like to get involved with development, please send me an email! If you have a feature you want added contact me and I’ll give you SVN access you so you can contribute to the project!

I want to give a big thanks to everyone who contributed ideas/code to this update, it’s great to see other people using my software and contributing time & effort to make it better for the flash community.

Actionscript 3

A lot of people have asked about Actionscript 3 support. Although I don’t use AS3 yet, someone is working on a port of my debug class to AS3 which will allow XTrace to work with AS3.

Zeroi Support

The folks over at Zeroi have created a plugin (modified debug class) that allows XTrace to work with Zeroi. If your a Zeroi user, or even if you aren’t, you may want to check it out.

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