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But It’s Already Been Said Before

Tags: blogging • Categories: Marketing

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I talked with a cousin this past thanksgiving that I hadn’t seen in a while. She stands out from the crowd: she’s traveled to remote Indian villages, traveled around the country in a RV with her husband for the entire summer, wants to move to Italy and work on a farm for a summer. Adventurous, smart, unique, rustic, etc. I love listening to her stories, so do most people she encounters.

She’s wanted to start a blog for a while. “Everything has already been said before. Who wants to read me?” is what’s preventing her from committing.

I’ll admit, this is something I’ve struggled with too. There is so much noise out there that it seems like another blog or article is just adding to the mess of the blogosphere.

Here’s a concept pulled from the platform conference that has changed my perspective on this:

People pay with their time or money. If you have something unique to say, they’ll pay. However, people also pay for convenience. You don’t have to say something unique, you just have to break it down into bite sized pieces that make it more convenient to digest for your niche audience.

Say the thing that’s already been said before anyway.

Say it better. Make it cleaner. Simpler. Don’t quit because of the fear that what you are doing is useless and won’t be read.

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