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Xcode & Mtasc

Categories: Flash

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I’ve been testing out the Mtasc Compiler over the last week or so, its a incredible improvement over Macromedia Compiler. I’ve downloaded Xmtasc a wonderful GUI (although its still in beta) for Mac OS X.

I code all my flash projects in Xcode using the Directions Posted On Pixelconsumption, and its works great. My favorite thing about the Xcode actionscript package is the “test movie” shortcut, cmd+enter tests the flash movie via a JSFL that is called. But now I am using Xmtasc in combination with mtasc and I dont want to compile in the Flash IDE, so I created a Applescript that will compile the top most Xmtasc project (you can grab the very simple source code for the script here). It took me about 1.5 hours to get this simple script working because of the confusion of the applescript syntax to someone who is used to ‘real’ programming syntax.

To make the applescript work, you should of already followed all the directions on pixelconsumptions site and gotten syntax highlighting/syntax hinting working. Next navigate to: /Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/Test/. Drop my little applescript into that directory. Next navigate to: /Library/Application/Support/Apple/Developer Tools/Scripts/10-User Scripts/70-Flash. Open up the file named “10-testFlashMovie.bash”, the last line of the “10-testFlashMovie.bash” should look something like this:

open -a "/Applications/Macromedia Flash MX 2004/Flash MX 2004" 
"/Library/ApplicationSupport/Apple/Developer Tools/Test/testFlashMovie.jsfl"

Instead of commanding Flash MX2004 to publish the flash document we want to open the applescript. Change that line to this:

osascript "/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/Test/publish.scpt"

Save the file and open up Xcode, you should be able to hit cmd+enter and your front-most flash project that you have open in Xmtasc should publish.

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