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Using the Multiprocess Library in Python 3

Tags: applescript, python • Categories: Software

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Python has a nifty multiprocessing library which comes with a lot of helpful abstractions. However, as with concurrent programming in most languages, there are lots of footguns.

Here some of the gotchas I ran into:

  • Logging does not work as you’d expect. Global state associated with your logger will be wiped out, although if you’ve already defined a logger variable it will continue to reference the same object from the parent process. It seems like the easiest solution for logging is to setup a new file-based logger in the child process. If you can’t do this, you’ll need to implement some sort of message queue logging which sounds terrible.
  • Relatedly, be careful about using any database connections, file handles, etc in a forked process. This can cause strange, hard to debug errors.
  • When you pass variables to a forked process, they are ‘pickled’. This serializes the python data structure and deserializes on the ‘other end’ (i.e. in the forked process). I was trying to decorate a function and pickle it, and ran into weird issues. Only top-level module functions can be pickled.
  • If you are using the macos libraries via python, you cannot reference them both on a parent and child process. The solution here is to run all functions which hit the macos libraries in a subprocess. I was not able to get the decorator in this linked post working. Here’s a working example using a modified version of the source below.

I struggled to find full working examples of using the multiprocess library online (here’s the best I found). I’ve included an example of using multiprocessing to create a forked process to execute a function and result the results inline.

  • Send a signal from the parent process to the child process to start executing using multiprocessing.Condition. I want not able to get this working without first notify()ing the parent process.
  • Kill the child process after 10m. This works around memory leaks I was running into with the applescript I was trying to execute.
  • Configure logging in forked process.
  • Return result synchronously to the caller using a shared queue implemented using multiprocessing.Queue
import multiprocessing
import time
import logging

forked_condition = None
forked_result_queue = None
forked_process = None
forked_time = None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _wrapped_function(condition, result_queue, function_reference):
    # this is run in a forked process, which wipes all logging configuration
    # you'll need to reconfigure your logging instance in the forked process

    first_run = True

    while True:
        with condition:
            # notify parent process that we are ready to wait for notifications
            # an alternative here that I did not attempt is waiting for `is_alive()`
            if first_run:
                first_run = False


            logger.debug("running operation in fork")
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("error running function in fork")

def _run_in_forked_process(function_reference):
    global forked_condition, forked_result_queue, forked_process, forked_time

    # terminate the process after 10m
    if forked_time and time.time() - forked_time > 60 * 10:
        assert forked_process
        logger.debug("killing forked process, 10 minutes have passed")
        forked_process = None

    if not forked_process:
        forked_condition = multiprocessing.Condition()

        forked_result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
        forked_process = multiprocessing.Process(
            args=(forked_condition, forked_result_queue, function_reference)

        forked_time = time.time()

        # wait until fork is ready, if this isn't done the process seems to miss the
        # the parent process `notify()` call. My guess is `wait()` needs to be called before `notify()`
        with forked_condition:
            logger.debug("waiting for child process to indicate readiness")

    # if forked_process is defined, forked_condition always should be as well
    assert forked_condition and forked_result_queue

    # signal to the process to run `getInfo` again and put the result on the queue
    with forked_condition:

    logger.debug("waiting for result of child process")

    return forked_result_queue.get(block=True)

def _exampleFunction():
  # do something strange, like running applescript
  return "hello"

def exampleFunction():
    return _run_in_forked_process(_exampleFunction)

# you can use the wrapped function like a normal python function

# this doesn't make sense to use in a single-use script, but if you need to you'll need to terminate the forked process

Note that the target environment here was macos. This may not work perfectly on linux or windows, it seems as though there are additional footguns on windows in particular.

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