Other’s Urgent is Not Your Own
Tags: priorities, tasks, time • Categories: Productivity
I’m a people-pleaser. I love helping people, having a conversation, giving away my knowledge, etc.
Over the last year it’s been important for me to learn to say no and not feel guilty.
It’s easy for me to let another’s urgent become my own. Whether it’s a friend, a family member, a client, or someone within your organization.
Defending your “domino task” – the one task that will move the needle and make the biggest impact – is incredibly important. It’s also really hard. Completely ignoring urgent requests of those around you isn’t possible, but helping the task along with a minimal effort is. The question I’ve been trying to ask myself is “How I can keep this moving with doing the minimal amount of work to stay concentrated on what is most important?” or “How can I outsource this task completely?”