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How to get a NetSuite demo account for SuiteTalk or SuiteScript development

Tags: netsuite • Categories: Software

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If you’re looking to integrate with NetSuite, you need a NetSuite instance to use for development. However, getting one isn’t straightforward. Here’s how to get up and running with a NetSuite demo account.

Signup for a "SDN Community Edition" account.

Here’s a direct link to the signup form.

After submitting the form, you’ll be told that you will get a response. You won’t. I’ve applied for multiple SDN accounts on behalf of clients and they’ve never gotten a response.

You’ll need to email with the following template:

SDN Support,

I applied for a NetSuite test account a couple days ago, and I have not received an update.

I’m a NetSuite consultant and I need a test account to run various configuration tests and develop SuiteTalk applications.


You’ll receive a response in a couple days, possibly with some followup questions, and then you’ll receive a NetSuite demo account!

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