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Download a CSV of Wealthfront Financial Activity

Tags: finance, javascript • Categories: Uncategorized

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I use Wealthfront for a portion of my investments. I recently was trying to get a CSV of all my dividends, fees, etc this year and there’s not a way to do this!

If you navigate to your activity (homepage > investment account > see recent activity) you can at least generate a CSV from the information on-screen (which does not include your gains/losses from the direct indexing) and copy/paste this into your web console, your browser will spit out a CSV.

rows = document.querySelectorAll('.transaction-item-component-wrapper');
csvData = [];

rows.forEach(row => {
    texts = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('[data-toolkit-component="Text"]'))
                 .map(element => {
                     let text = element.textContent.trim();
                     // Check if text matches "completed DD/MM/YYYY" and extract the date
                     let match = text.match(/completed (\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4})/);
                     return match ? `"${match[1]}"` : `"${text}"`; // Add quotes for CSV format

csvString = csvData.join('\n');
blob = new Blob([csvString], {type: 'text/csv'});

// create a button we can click to download the CSV
downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
downloadLink = document.createElement('a');
downloadLink.href = downloadUrl; = 'data.csv';

This is highly tied to the current (as of this writing) Wealthfront HTML structure, so you’ll probably have to ask ChatGPT to fix this in some number of months.

A note on Wealthfront

The direct indexing / tax loss harvesting is nice and has worked well in down years, otherwise it’s just like a Vanguard/Fidelity account and I wouldn’t highly recommend it you are financially savvy (they are great for beginners). Years back, they suggested their own risk parity fund, which has done really poorly and features have basically stalled out, so I can’t highly recommend them.

Also, although direct indexing is "neat" it’s hard/impossible to go back to a standard 3-fund strategy once they start direct indexing your stocks. Yes, you get to harvest tax losses automatically, but it comes at the cost of complexity which may not be worth it.

As an aside, I’ve found that a lot of the alt-assets (PeerStreet, GroundFloor, Republic, etc) are not worth the complexity. I hope these startups are able to transform the fintech landscape, but the additional tax complexity that these investments bring is not worth it compared to a simple, low-cost, index fund strategy.

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