App Stop 1.0!
Categories: Software
Table of Contents
I’m very happy to announce the release of App Stop 1.0!
This release encompasses months worth of work and hopefully makes for a very solid 1.0 release for App Stop.
The following fixes & changes have been made:
- Added right click menu to the table view
- Fixed bug where after the computer goes to sleep, the menu icon will not change to represent if their is a paused application
- Added option to use a black menu icon set
- Combined the image & name columns in the table view
- Rewrote outputting from authnice so integers are directly outputted, instead of being converted back and forth between C strings
- App Stop now requires that you successfully authorize yourself, or app stop will terminate
- App Stop is now multi-account safe
- Added ‘App Stop Help’ menu item
- Some UI clean-up/polishing
- Made a workaround for the weird crashing bug on 10.3, you now have to restart App Stop for preference changes in the ‘Background Processes’ tab to take effect
- Greatly improved help/documentation
Remember to send any bug reports & feature requests to me.